Sober Climbers Indoor Rock Climbing

This is a weekly indoor rock climbing event for anyone in recovery with at least 48 hours clean and sober.  All training, gear, and climbing time is provided free of charge.  Donations are accepted.  This event averages 15 participants per week, with approximately 50% new to climbing.

At the beginner level, this sport is easy for people of all ages and fitness levels to try, and offers a healthy way to increase our bodies’ production of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.  These are the feel-good compounds that we sought through drugs and alcohol.  Once we stop using drugs or alcohol, we need to find healthy alternatives to restore our sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and well-being.

Rock climbing also connects us to a peer group- “our tribe”- who we cheer on, and encourage each week.  We build our identity, through climbing, as people who have a sport and a passion they love.

This is why rock climbing matters so much.  Once we get people sober, we need to keep them sober, by helping them change from the inside.

Rachel climbing“Climbing has kept me sober.  This is a physically and mentally demanding sport.  I am very conscious of what I do and what I put into my body now.  I don’t want to do things that are going to prevent me from being the best climber that I can possibly be.  I can relate so many of my own obstacles to climbing.  The climb is the hardest part but once you reach the top and look down at how far you have come, there is no greater sense of accomplishment.

-Rachel C. 

To learn more about the benefits of climbing, click here

ALLCLIMBERS is a non-profit 501c3 organization.  Initially self-funded through our founder, we must rely on donations and partnership with others to succeed.  Please consider donating to help people change their lives and stay clean and sober, and those with disabilities to have a fuller life by inclusion in an enriching activity.

Your donation of just $15 sponsors one person to learn to rock climb and see new opportunities to be stronger than the labels and limitations society places on us.  Through your support, we are transformed into rock climbers!

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Donation Total: $15.00

Inclusive, Accessible Climbing for People with Disabilities

We sponsor free or discounted rate climbing sessions for people with disabilities to learn to climb, and for family, friends or caregivers to learn how to support the climber.

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With the right equipment, determination, and support, indoor and outdoor climbing is possible for all climbers!

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